Please, take care and be aware of the following:

Especially in the  summer season danger might come from:

  • traffic:
  • many fervent climbing trackers exploit this time of year; correspondingly high is the frequency. Pay special attention to timing, as delays from co-climbers may occur. Also regard others; unleashing of stones may cause detrimental effects. Protect yourself from falling stones.
  • weather:
  • Tendency for thunderstorms is high in summer, a weather change might occur literally in minutes.
  • clothing/food supply:
  • sun protection and adequate drink supply are essential. Summery conditions might tempt you into reducing backpack size. But a quick weather change in alpine altitudes will show how a wind jacket/pocket mac is an absolute must on any tour.
  • Before you venture out inquire about actual weather conditions at the pit-face..


Even with meticulous preparation concerning weather surveillance you could still get caught in an alpine storm. There’s plenty of general advice!

  • Despite the threatening thunder – DON’T PANIC! Stay cool and mediate that to the whole rope team.
  • If there is no chance to get from the ferrata, keep your cabs locked in. You should never risk a downfall. You might be affected even by the side effects and if not locked in …
  • Observe the weather carefully and look for shelter in time. It’s hazardous when a bluish shine appears on metallic objects eg. mountain peak cross or when a tingling sensation on the skin i.e.. ruffled up hair, occurs. This means you’re in field of extreme voltage.
  • When in a group – look for shelter separately, don’t stay together! That’s not alway psychological easy, but it’s essential. Pay attention to this advice as its of great importance..
  • If possible leave the steal rope and seek a safe place. By no means risk a fall.
  • Shelter is found in …
    • a trough, a hollow way, a cave;
    • inside the forest, but not next to solitary trees;
    • on a flat field by sitting on the ground; a closed foot position is important;
    • of strickable objects, keep at least a 3 meter distance.
  • Within the limits of your possibilities – Keep away from:
    • peaks, crests, watery furrows;
    • solitary trees, small tree group, rocks;
    • edges of forest which has high trees;
    • in the vicinity of vertical wall;
    • metallic fences;
    • metallic equipment (if possible and only then separate and deposit it within a secure distance)

You can find further information on lightning dangers at Austrian Lightning Detection

Raised risk of falling rocks is in spring! Some parts of the climbing routes are not cleaned then. The freezing and melting cycle loosens even the firmest rock.

  • Increased danger of rock fall:
  • Above us are ibexes, red deer, chamois and the routes are often heavily populated. Even the cautioust of climbers might loosen a stone which can become fatal for the followers, even when they are protected by a helmet.
  • Therefore be cautious, watch the vicinity, listen (listening to music on headphones impairs your perceptions). Make yourself and the group realize this so that others aren’t endangered by your rock fall.
  • Great danger comes from rope teams. As their dangling ropes over edges or rocks loosens stones easily.

IN CASE | emergency call | signal | helicopter



Austria 140
Bayern 19222
Switzerland 1414
Italy 118

Accident notification

HOW MANY persons involved
Whom to inform

In case the mobile phone fails …

lamp (or blowing a whistle)
to call for help
6 times a minute
(every 10 seconds)
pause for 1 minute
repeat if necessary
3 times a minute
(every 20 seconds)
pause (1 minute)

Verhalten Bei einem Hubschraubereinsatz wie folgt vorgehen:
Bemerkbar machen
YESimages YES ja, wir brauchen Hilfe bei Dunkelheit grünes Licht
NOimages NO nein, wir brauchen keine Hilfe bei Dunkelheit rotes Licht
Umgebung absichern, vor allem lose Gegenstände sichern
nur durch EINE Person
mit dem Rücken zum Wind
stehenbleiben, auch wenn der Hubschrauber nahe kommt
Blickkontakt mit dem Piloten suchen
Anweisungen den Anweisungen der Besatzung Folge leisten
